User Interface Design

This is where the rubber meets the road. These are the actual page designs. User interface design includes the button designs, field designs, page layout, spacing, calls to action, and all the things that make up the page that the user is interacting with.

Any good user experience starts with a simple intuitive interface design, but we like to take the customer further. When seeing your website, we want your customers to think: "That looks cool." They should be surprised and delighted at every button, subtle animation, and feel of the website.

Getting Started with UI Design

Building brand enhancing user interfaces is fun! We love to start with a thorough review of your brand's visual history. It gives us joy to find cool aesthetic motifs that we can bring forward. We also do a thorough review of your industry and your direct competitors. Most importantly, we ask you to find website examples that visually inspire you. These insights are a proven way to set our team up for success.

Every user interface design project starts with a kickoff meeting. We review all our findings and have you walk us through what you like about your website examples. We also just love to hear your story and any ideas you have for the design.

Multiple concepts are presented in our early rounds to help us nail down your brand aesthetic. After each round we take your feedback and present new and revised concepts. In this fun process, we nail the look of the interface. Once a base set of elements have been approved can interpret how to design the rest of the elements. Of course, you will always review every design and we work until you love your user interface design.

User Interface Design - known as UI for short - is the design of systems that connect users and their devices, such as computers, smartphones and tablets.

User interface design is nothing without good user experience design.

At Go Media, user interface design prioritizes User Experience - or UX for short. UX describes the overall experience one has when using your website or app. It's the step-by-step journeys the users take to accomplish their goals.

Their interaction with your website or mobile application should be a pleasant one. We develop user experience design that makes the user's journey as simple and efficient as possible. These interactions should have the user's end-goals in mind. The very best user experience design accomplishes this without attracting any unneeded attention to itself.

While the user interface is a critical piece to a successful website or app, the work really needs to start with good user experience design. We get to know your target audience, their typical goals and need, and discuss how these match up with your goals for your users. Once priorities are set we wireframe your website where we establish layouts, hierarchy, steps and weight of user focus. If needed, we can build functional prototypes of your website so you can easily test the experience on a functioning prototype of your website.

All of this sets us up for a great user interface design process.

user interface ui kit for web design, mobile apps with the different buttons, graphics, diagramms, menu, search, tabs and other.

User Interface Design

Looking for a UI or UX Designer in Cleveland, Ohio? Go Media has some of the best user interface designers in Cleveland. We provide expert consultation & design for mobile, tablet and desktop. We can design both apps and websites. All designs are responsive so they work well on all devices.

"Begin with the end in mind."   "To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you’re going so that you better understand where you are now so that the steps you take are always in the right direction." - Dr. Stephen R. Covey

This renowned paradigm from the Seven Habits is about as true in User Interface and User Experience design as it is anywhere. It is critical to take the appropriate steps in planning and design of custom software as early as possible in the process. Go Media has nearly two decades of experience in the digital and software space. We can guide you in taking the steps that are right and appropriate for your next project. We offer Information Architecture, User Interface Design, User Experience Planning & Design and many other phases of mobile, tablet and desktop application design and development.

go media user interface mobile mockup

If your website was a movie...

If your website was a movie, the user interface design would be the look of it. It would be the look of your actors: beautiful, weathered, evil, innocent, etc. It would be the look of your sets and lighting. Your user interface would even be your special effects. The look of your 'movie' (website) is a critical part of your brand persona.

How would your 'movie' look?

Good user interface design:
Enhances the brand aesthetic
Improves website usability
Increases perceived value of your products and services
Gives customers confidence in you
Increases brand loyalty

Users may not recognize that what they are experiencing is good user interface design, but they will walk away with a positive impression - and come back for more!

Keys to a Great User Interface Design

Even the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services recognizes the value of thoughtful user interface design. According to, the best practices for designing any interface include:

Use the KISS principle: Keep It Simple Stupid.
Be consistent using common interface elements and user patterns
Ensure that every layout is purposeful.
Use of color and texture with purpose and consistency.
Always use hierarchical navigation.
Make sure the interface is giving the user feedback about what is happening.
Consider the default settings.

Creating Cleveland's Best User Interface Design

Go Media designs user interfaces that perfectly match the planned persona of the brand. Most of the time, they're beautiful and fun too.

With more than two decades of experience in the digital and software space, our team offers: